Intelligent Water Systems
Nu-Force Water Technologies
Your Home
Our NU-FORCE Water Technologies™ line of patented products scientifically revitalizes water just as “the water that’s found in nature.” Just as in nature, the waters movement over rocks with the twisting and turning causes water to become structured.
Every water molecule is restructured or ‘revitalized’, to transport nutrients quickly for better absorption and cellular hydration by the body. Revitalized water is better absorbed by cells and tissues than unstructured water for proper hydration.
Additionally, revitalized water can also bring balance to the body’s health and give wonderful benefits for your sense of well-being. Proper hydration with a Nu-Force™ product ensures that every water molecule is restructured to transport nutrients across cellular membranes quickly for better absorption by your family.
Low Maintenance
Cleaning: dependent on the water source-virtually never. Can be rinsed and cleaned with vinegar if needed. That’s it.
No Water Impedance
NU-FORCE™ water units have no hidden or additional parts restricting water flow.
Compact Size
NU-FORCE ™ water units are compact – generally fit ‘inline’ in most cases.
No Softner Salt,
Crystals Or Pellets
Softened Water Is Not Good For Water
It Adds Sodium Slime On Your Skin And In Your Clothes!
Is Electrically Dead Water
Aka Hungry Water
Water Softeners Are Bad For Your Home!
Protect Your Kid’s Skin!

Your Crops
Our NU-FORCE Water Technologies line of products will help decrease your irrigation cost up to 35% by reducing your water usage. Implement our beneficial biology into your foliar program and watch your savings continue to grow and your input cost lower.
Every water molecule is revitalized to transport nutrients quicker for better absorption by plants.
Maximize Your Irrigation Significantly
Increase Germination Much Faster
Plants Will Be Better Hydrated & Increase Biomass
Increase Nutritional Content Of Plants
Lower Input Cost Dramatically
Increase Brix (Sugar) Levels
Most Important Of All: You Get A Crop!
Increase Your Yields!
Contact Kevin to learn how!
Maximize Your Irrigation Efficiency & Lower Your Fuel Costs
The delivery method of revitalized water allows the surface area of plants with larger mass to produce more photosynthesis for energy release to the whole plant for better health and increased fruit set.
Reduce Water Usage Up To 35%
Experience greater savings by incorporating our foliar biology’s spray into your program. You will use less water because the revitalized water takes the nutrients to the next step targeting plant cell tissues for faster hydration levels to increase sugar, protein, amino acids and other key components of photosynthesis.
Reduce Your Input Cost & Get Better Results!
By changing the water molecule to an opposite charge, any element that comes in contact with it will bond and be better absorbed and utilized by the plant tissue; resulting in approximately 35-50% less input usage (fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides), while increasing crop yields!
Increase Hydration & Germination
The revitalized water delivers more oxygen and energy to the inner and exterior cellular levels for increased communication. Acts as a catalyst that speeds moisture absorption causing the seed to swell more rapidly with life force energy that ignites the seed to germinate quicker.
Reduce Maintenance Costs & Extend The Life Of Your Center Pivot Irrigation Engine
The technical quality of revitalized water has increased tremendously while the problem of calcification has been minimized. This is a considerable advantage for producers in terms of maintenance and durability of their devices when using NU-FORCE water units.
Save your farm!
The drought IS coming!
Increase your bushel per acre gain in just ONE YEAR!
Your Livestock
The NU-FORCE Water Technologies, LLC line of patented water products will help decrease your SCC and stray/static current issues. By lowering the SCC, you will see an increase in weight gain performance. Because of reducing the stray/static currents, you will have quicker weight gains.
Proper hydration with a NU-FORCE product ensures that every water molecule is restructured to transport nutrients across cellular membranes quickly for better absorption by your herd.
Low Maintenance
Cleaning: dependent on the water source-virtually never. Can be rinsed and cleaned with vinegar if needed. That’s it.
No Water Impedance
NU-FORCE™ water units have no hidden or additional parts restricting water flow.
Tough & Resilient
3” and below are made from industrial solid core CPVC or stainless steel. No wiring needed excepting proper grounding.
Application Sizes
We understand that every situation is different and provide a range of units designed for your needs.
Weather Resistant
NU-FORCE is engineered to withstand a wide range of climate and temperature variations. If freezing is imminent, remove and store for the next season.
NU-FORCE recommends that you use your local licensed professional for installations.
Compact Size
NU-FORCE water units are compact – generally fit “inline” in most cases.
Reduce Water Usage Up To 35%
Water Usage